Welcome to the official webstore!
Want to support the server? We now have an official shop, and you may purchase ranks and other exclusive perks! There are 3 rank tiers, with each tier including all the perks of the previous tier(s) (i.e. Diamond includes Gold perks).
Click on the store tab on the left to view available packages. You may also purchase items at vcmc-store.tebex.io.
Note: When making purchases only trust links to our official website. All prices are subject to change. Additional taxes or fees may be charged depending on your payment method/currency conversion. If you have issues with payments, make a support ticket or contact us via email. None of the ranks will give you an unfair gameplay advantage (aka: no p2w). All sales are final! A chargeback will result in a blacklist from the server. Purchases won't be refunded if you are banned, jailed, or muted on the server for breaking VoiceChatMC rules.
Please ensure you are over 18 or have parental permission before purchasing from the store.
Having trouble with a purchase? Create a support ticket in our Discord or contact us via email at [email protected]. VoiceChatMC is not affiliated with or supported by Mojang; do not contact Mojang for issues relating to purchases.
VoiceChatMC is not affiliated with or endorsed by Minecraft, Mojang, or Microsoft.