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VoiceChatMC Rules Page
Click on the tabs to the left to see the different sections of the rules.

We have some basic guidelines so that you and others can have the best playing experience.

Disclaimer: All rules are not perfect and are subject to interpretation and loopholes. If you are unsure about something, feel free to ask a staff member. If you are a staff member. consult higher staff or the founder.

Useful links:
VoiceChatMC In-Game Rules

Rules are subject to change at any time. You will be notified of all changes. 

Last updated February 5, 2025.

The rules here are as follows:

1. No excessive spamming, slurs, obscenity, toxicity, or malicious links (phishing, viruses, etc).

          a.  ITEM NAMES: Offensive item names, especially those that may appear in chat (i.e. swords, bows on kill) will also not be tolerated. Your item name will be cleared if caught and further action(s) may be taken.

           b.  PLAYER NAMES: Naming or setting the nickname of an account to impersonate another player or the server itself is prohibited. Player/entity names containing obscene language are also prohibited.


2. Hacking or cheating to gain an unfair gameplay advantage will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to:

           a. Hacked Clients. Examples of prohibited mods/behaviors include the following: Macros, Aimbot, Killaura, Reach, Velocity, BunnyHop, Freecam, Fly, FastBreak/Place, AutoArmor/Eat/Tool/Place*, Baritone, Timer, NoFall, ChestStealer, AntiVoid/BugUp)

           b. *Litematica is ALLOWED, but its EasyPlace, Printer, and other features achieving the same purpose as the previous two are PROHIBITED.

           c. X-Ray and Clear Lava (Fog Remover) texture packs/mods

           d. Modifications revealing extra information on other players or entities that is not present in the vanilla game/server modpack (i.e. Player Health Indicators, Hotbar revealers, Minimaps**, etc.).

           e. Crystal optimizer mods are not allowed. 


           g. **Minimaps: Must NOT display entities/players. The ONLY officially-approved minimap mod is the one linked here. Using mods other than the provided one may result in a ban!


3. Abusing bugs or glitches to gain an unfair gameplay advantage is not allowed.

           a. Item duplication methods & obtaining illegal items (i.e. unapproved staff-created items)

           b. Pearl glitching (through any solid or un-pearlable surface)

           c. Server Core/Plugin Bugs (please report any unintended behavior in a ticket)


4. Do not attempt to lag or crash the server with any method, regardless of whether it was for malicious or testing purposes. 

           a. The use of chunk loaders or update suppressors is not allowed and may result in a ban. This is to ensure server stability.

5. Do not advertise media that is not related to Voice Chat Minecraft.

6. Joining with an alternate account while jailed, banned, or muted is NOT allowed (considered as evasion). Accounts originating from alt-generation sites/apps (i.e. EasyMC, alts.pizza) are also not allowed, as they are stolen.

7. No home trapping. It is trapping when a home is at a location where a player immediately takes damage without being able to fight back and/or dies from a non-player cause. This includes, but is not limited to: lava, end crystals, beds (nether/end), fall traps, cactus traps, 1x1 holes, portal traps, suffocation traps, anvils, and the void. If a player begins fighting you some time after you teleport to a home, then it is not trapping.


  1. [Land Claims] Anything outside of a land claim or Worldguard-protected region is subject to griefing/stealing.

  2. Use of /trust: Giving a player trust allows them to do anything to your claim. This includes griefing and stealing! Be careful of who you trust in your claims. 

  3. A claim owner has an 8-chunk buffer around their claim. If another player’s claim or home located within the buffer doesn't have a major build, then it (along with its contents) may be removed at a moderator’s discretion. Further action may be taken at a moderator's discretion.

  4. Land claims automatically expire after 60 days of inactivity.

  5. [ACCOUNT SHARING] We highly suggest against account sharing. Whether or not you are playing on the account, punishments will be carried out if it is violating any of the rules above. Your account is your responsibility.

  6. [Bedrock Breaking] Bedrock breaking is allowed, however holes to the void or nether roof must be no more than 256 blocks in area (1 chunk). Any holes larger than the limit are subject to be patched by a higher staff member. A player is allowed to have one hole per claim. Holes must be 8 chunks away from any other hole. Excessive bedrock breaking may lead to a punishment under the minor exploits category.

  7. Falsifying evidence and/or intentionally creating false reports may result in consequences, which can include the loss of reporting privileges, website and/or in-game suspension, etc.

Proximity Chat Guidelines

Guidelines are subject to change at any time. You will be notified of all changes.
Last updated June 15, 2023.
The guidelines are as follows:
  1. Any conversation in proximity chat should not include racial slurs, hate speech towards specific groups or individuals, excessive toxicity, or sexual acts.

  2. Keep your voice volume at a reasonable level.

  3. Do not share any personal information such as passwords, location, or any other private information about yourself or other individuals (without their consent/doxxing) through voice chat.

Note: This is a moderated server and all conversations may be heard at any time. 

Website Guidelines

Guidelines are subject to change at any time. You will be notified of all changes.
Last updated April 3, 2024.
The guidelines are as follows:
  1. We allow moderate swearing in our forums. However, the use of slurs, as well as hate speech or targeted harassment towards an individual or certain group(s) will not be tolerated.

  2. Spamming by creating multiple topics or replies is not allowed. We advise users to instead edit their topics and replies.

  3. Please create posts under the proper forum category to avoid removal by a forum moderator.

  4. Posts and replies containing malicious links or files (i.e. phishing/ip-grabber links, viruses, zip bombs, token loggers, etc.) will be removed and can lead to account suspension.

  5. Profile photos with NSFW content are subject to removal by an administrator.