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Staff Applications OPEN!
Al240 Owner Forum Manager Member
25 posts
18 topics
3 months ago
Staff applications are now OPEN! There are certain requirements that you need to meet before applying.
  1. All staff members must be AT LEAST 15 years old by the time they apply.
    • For those of you who don't understand this, if you apply (let's say) today, 10/11, your birthday has to be on or before Oct. 11, 2009.
  2. All staff MUST have a working microphone (both for use in-game and on Discord).
    • Discord is now a required mode of communication. Applicants without a valid Discord account linked to VCMC will no longer be accepted.
  3. You may only apply if you aren't currently jailed or banned.
    • We do check player punishment history when reviewing apps, so keep that in mind!
Highly recommended: You are an active, reputable player on the server w/ at least 6 weeks (roughly 36 non-AFK hours) of playtime.
Additionally, all plagiarized/other human-assisted (i.e. asking current/previous staff to show you their answers), computer-generated or AI-assisted (i.e. ChatGPT responses to questions) applications will NOT be considered. If caught, you may be prohibited from applying in the future. The application is found in the link provided here. We wish you the best of luck!

Last edited: 3 months ago x 1 | x 1