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Changelog 81
Al240 Owner Forum Manager Member
25 posts
18 topics
4 months ago

Changelog 81: I kinda forgor

Updates and New Features:

  • Black Market: Fixed all non-working items inside the store.
    • Dark Nisk price increased from 32 to 36 Nisk each. (Aug. 2024)
  • Added /afk to Netherite rank (5 min. cooldown).
  • Updated to 1.21.1 (Aug. 2024)
    • You can join with 1.20.3+, but using either 1.20.6 or 1.21.1 is highly recommended. We will NOT be responsible for any bugged items resulting from 1.20.3/.4 usage.
  • Our "new" cell tower internet was absolutely atrocious so we went back to copper cables. (Jul. 2024)
  • A few discs were added to the music store. Check them out on the hill beside spawn shop!
  • Fixed issue with missing Discord Booster rank tag.
  • A few more changes to staff rank permissions.
    • Staff: To view these changes, see #staff-announcements on Discord.



  • Removed a custom items plugin. If you have any old Black Market items purchased before 9/1/2024, please make a support ticket to have them replaced.
  • Temporarily removed anvil level override plugin due to 1.21 incompatibilities.
  • Removed automatic End reset schedule, as it kept bugging.
  • Chunks unmodified since March 30, 2024, will be purged after the second September End reset.
    • We will continue removing chunks older than (unmodified for) 6 months/180 days to save disk space.